This Saturday I made Margarita Mac and Cheese from "What Megan's Making," a blog I've been following for longer than I've even had a blog, thanks to my trusty Google Reader. (J looks at my Google Reader sometimes and shakes his head sadly, as if there is no hope for me and my endless stream of recipes... he's probably right.) Unfortunately, despite the lovely pictures on Miss Megan's blog, my Mac and Cheese was far less delicious. First of all, I am pretty sure I cooked the pasta too long. Secondly, I didn't have a casserole dish and so I had to use a square-ish brownie pan. Thirdly, my "diced" tomatoes from Aldi, while a mere 59 cents per can, were not exactly "diced" and more like chunked, which overpowered the pasta, which were small. It came out of the oven looking more like a casserole, which is fine, and the mozzarella was yummy, but not the best experience when making my first baked mac n' cheese... I just wanted it to look as nice as Megan's! Maybe next time.
So apparently around here we're preparing for a storm of "historical proportions" that includes "snow squalls" (whatever the heck those are) and I was planning on making some shrimp bisque tonight, but I might have to settle for something a little more quick because I should probably run to the store and stock up on the essentials. We'll see. If a snow day happens in my near future, (keep those fingers crossed) I may be working from home with plenty of time to shrimp it up!
In the meantime, everyone stay safe and warm! I hope this storm of epic proportions blows over relatively quickly and keep on eating warm and healthy food!